TV Show Reviews: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 1)

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

(Spin-off series of the Avengers)

Director: (Unsure)
Network: ABC
First Episode Date: 24-9-2013
Last Episode Date: May 13, 2014
Total: 22 Episodes

Overall season rating: 8/10

Review: (Spoilers, duh.)

Honestly, this show wasn’t as I expected it when I first started watching, but I enjoyed it nevertheless, because of it’s little side sarcastic comments and jokes, especially from Coulson and Skye.

The first few episodes got me worried- it seemed to be the typical Miraculous-Ladybug-repetitive-plot-season (of course, the first episode with Mike Peterson would be a key part of the later plot, but we wouldn’t know that till later). Episode four got you hopeful, because it seemed interesting enough, but then crushed your hopes again in the next episode. (Even though it was a continuation of the Raina-Mike plot, it just didn’t interest me.)

That improved starting from episode 10 though. They started on the story of how Coulson was brought back to life, which was what we really wanted to know, since they kept hinting on it since the start.

Honestly, one of the best things about Agents of SHIELD is that there never ceases to be plot twists that reach into your chest and literally squeeze your heart. That episode when Skye almost died almost gave me a heart attack  (even though we all knew that she wasn’t going to die this early anyway.)

Well, you thought that episode was bad? You were wrong. Prepare for the BIGGEST plot twist in TV show history(well, yeah, I don’t watch many TV shows.)!


That part just gave me all the feels, because Skyeward was, and still is, one of my top 5 OTPs out of everything I’ve watched/read. I just loved them together SO MUCH, and they were only canon for like 1 episode before Skye found out and it all blew up in their faces. I mean, how could he be? Nothing except hints of his ‘dark past’ ever gave clues that he was actually evil, and he was very sincere throughout the whole season. (Remember when he touched that anciet Asgardian stick thing and got crazy, then told Coulson that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his duties because of the rage?) Also, I find this post fitting for Ward:


Also, the Garett-being-the-clairvoyant-thing was shocking, but not as shocking as Ward; I believe I started to guess it about an episode before it was revealed.

Fun Fact: Miles, Skye’s ‘ex-boyfriend’ in episode 5, was actually played by Chloe’s boyfriend in real life, Austin Nichols.

Memorable lines:

Maria Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for, Agent Ward?
Grant Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: It means someone really wanted our initials to spell out “SHIELD.”

(Fitz gets sassy)
Fitz: Are you mental? I did explain what I meant using the Queen’s bloody English!
Ward: I use normal English. Words like “duck” and “run” and “might blow us to pieces.”
Fitz: Congratulations, Agent Ward, you managed to string three words together in a sentence.

Skye: I don’t wanna ruin the moment…but I’m gonna have to respond with…G-4. Say it, Ward. Say it.
Ward:You sank my battleship.

Simmons: Working up a good sweat there, sir?
Coulson: I don’t sweat. I glisten.

Hill: Wow. I can’t believe he shot Lola.
Coulson: I can’t talk about it.

Garrett: Fury. Well, hell. When was the last time anyone saw a tag team wrestling match with four dead guys?
Coulson: I only see one dead guy in here.
Garrett: Oh, the power’s all on this side of the room, fellas. Phil, I’m surprised you’d try and stop me. Course, I don’t blame you, Nick. You haven’t seen the big picture. The big bang. The timeless frozen ocean, but Phil here has. We share a bond. We’re blood brothers.
Nick Fury: You didn’t tell me he’d gone this crazy.
Coulson: He’s really stepped it up a notch.

Thanks for reading! 😉 Hopefully I’ll stop slacking and get some real work on this blog done soon.






Topping Tuesday: Top 5 books/series that should be on the big screen

Late. Again. Sorry, had a lot to do.

Anyway, this week it’s Top 5 books/ book series’ that deserve to be turned into movies/TV shows. (This does not include the books that are already in production, as in very official, such as Queen of Shadows, Before I Fall, Shadowhunters etc.)

5. Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson

Okay, I know they already made a movie for this series, and it came out last month, but I haven’t even watched it yet, and only watched the trailer, and I already know that it’s going to suck. A lot. COMPLETELY messed up movie.

Anyway. This was one of the first few book series’ that I got addicted to back when I was 10/11. I’ve known it for a while, and I still love it to this day. I’ve been hoping for an on-screen adaptation for it for years. And now we ended up with a messed-up one.

This book deserves another chance. It deserves a whole TV show with a more-developed and complicated story than the books(as I got older, I started to realize how flawed the writing actually was. James Patterson isn’t a great writer, to be honest.), and good actors with an actually dark-looking FangThey tooootally ruined his character.

4. Panic by Lauren Oliver

Even though Panic is only one book, it’s still amazing. A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. Almost as good as Before I Fall, also by Lauren Oliver(she’s now my favourite author.), my all-time favourite book.

Even though I’m really, really, happy that Before I Fall is getting it’s own movie next year (screeeaaaaminggggg), this book deserves a chance at being a movie too.

I can just imagine how amazing it would be as a movie with the right people making it. It’s set in the modern world and doesn’t need much special effects, so at least if they decide to make a rubbish movie of it, they won’t be able to mess it up that way. Much, anyway.

Anyway. I’ll write a review of it soon.

3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor

Let me just tell you. This series is just AMAZING. Well, the first two books at least. The third book was ended too abruptly.

I know this trilogy already has sort-of confirmed movies, and I made a point of telling you in the first paragraph that I would not include books which do, but based on an interview I read, it’s not that confirmed after all.

I can only imagine how… Challenging these would be as movies. The special effects, such as the chimaera, would be hard to work with, but hey. That’s why there are good film makers in this world. If those are even gonna be the ones managing the movie.

2. Hush Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick

Becca Fitzpatrick announced in 2014 that she wouldn’t move with the movie project.

Well, I hope she reconsiders soon.

Hush, Hush is my favourite mainly-romance genre (with fantasy as a side genre) book. I first read it 2 years ago, and I re-read the whole series at least once every 4 months.

I really, really want to see it be on the big screen, hence it being the second on this list. It would be the perfect romance movie. (Hopefully not rated mature though. It was very innocent in the books. It should stay that way.)

Also, with years of making up dream casts for the characters, I would love to see who they actually pick, and whether they are up to our expectations.

So please, Becca, reconsider and let us have a movie of your amazing book series.

1. Legend trilogy by Marie Lu

Alright. So we’re down to my second favourite trilogy, right behind the Hunger Games.

These books were so beautiful that I just… Can’t express how perfect they were. It’s pretty high for me to put it just slightly behind the Hunger Games.

I think we can all agree that Iparing is the ULTIMATE OTP. NOTHING DOES NOR WILL EVER BEAT THEM. (well, except perhaps Natch.) 

The situation of making a movie for it has been unstable for a few years, and probably will never happen unless WE, the fans, make it happen. How did that rubbish series, Divergent, get not one, not two, but THREE movies and a TV show as well?! Legend is so much better and way more creative than Divergent.

And it’s so underrated as well. Apologies to Marie Lu for all the people who can’t appreciate actual amazing writing.

And, like Panic, it wouldn’t be hard to fix with special effects-there’s little to none of that needed.

So why won’t any director pick up this full-of-potential project???

I will never be able to understand muggles.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post. I have a terrible sense of humor.

Until next time,




Theoretical Thursday: Rowan is not a child of Mora

This is not really a theory; more like a fact that a lot of people get wrong. 

Heyyyy it’s Theoretical Friday. Sorry about that. I’ve had lots of things to do lately.

Anyway, let’s get to it.

Rowan Whitethorn. A lot of fans think Mora is his mother; in fact, she is NOT.

Mora, instead, is his ancestor, most likely the grandparent or great-grandparent of Rowan.
It is said in Heir of Fire that Rowan had 2 immortal parents who were mates, and they died as immortals as they were already very old, in his second decade.
Mora didn’t die as an immortal, and she didn’t spend the rest of her life as one either. She was said, also in Heir of Fire, to have tied her life to a human prince, just like Mab, and died as a human.

Further proof? Rowan has an uncle and a whole bunch of cousins who are closer to being the Heirs of Mora’s bloodline than he is.This was, yet again, mentioned in Heir of Fire. As far as we know, Maeve, Mora and Mab didn’t have any brothers, so there’s that.

Since Rowan is a full-blooded Fae, Mora probably fell in love with a Fae before she found the human. My guess is? His uncle was the oldest child and his mother/father was after. He’s also an only child, so perhaps he has more uncles/aunts, because he has a lot of cousins.

Anyway, that’s it for today’s crappy theory, hope it was informative!

Until next time,


Topping Tuesday: Top 5 ToG Characters

Topping Tuesday: Top 5 Throne of Glass Characters

Hey pplz! Welcome to a new Weekly Segment of this blog, Topping Tuesday! (Even though it’s Wednesday. Whoops.)

This week will be a Top 5 list of the best Throne of Glass characters. Since I just finished Empire of Storms and now probably have a reading slump because of it, all the posts this week are probably gonna be about, you guessed it right, Throne of Glass. The theory this week will be about ToG too. Why must that book be so good?!

Since this is only the second Top 5 list I’ve ever written, let’s hope it’ll be okay. Anyway, here goes!

5. Marion Lochan


By unknown (credits to them)

We don’t know much about her, and she died 17 years before the time in the books, but still.

We know she had a hard life though; and she had witch-blood(Ironteeth or Crochan?) in her veins. And she gave her life to save Aelin, and the bloodline of the Galathynius that day.

She was a kind and strong-willed woman(from the Ironteeth blood, perhaps?), and she fought until her last breath.

Elide has little witch-blood in her veins, yet even Lorcan says that she is cunning. Perhaps her mother Marion, with twice the witch-blood, was twice as cunning as Elide.

I still hope that we will learn more about her and Cal Lochan in the future book though.

4. Rowan Whitethorn

By unknown (credits to them)


Enough fangirling, self! Anyway. Rowan. I can do this.

Rowan Whitethorn. From the bloodline of Mora. A legendary Fae prince who is at least 3 centuries old, and has lost 2 mates (even though one was not a real mate), and many others otherwise. Used to be part of Maeve’s blood-sworn cadre.

In the start of Heir of Fire, he is described to be the coldest and most sadistic of the 6 in the cadre, but I don’t believe that’s actually true. Again, another of Sarah J Maas’s failed writing development attempts. In my opinion, Lorcan is probably the owner of that title. Of course, we still don’t know anything about Vaughan or Fenrys’s dark twin, Connall.

He’s actually the type of rare Fae that takes pity on people. Actually, maybe not. We don’t know anything about his time before he met Aelin, but still. He took pity on her, but maybe that’s because they’re mates.

Rowaelin is proof the mating isn’t instant and perfect; they went through almost a year with each other before they realized that they were mates, and they went through a lot together.

I’m starting to go off-topic.

Let’s just say, he’s a smol bean.

3. Asterin Blackbeak

By unknown (credits to them)

Okay. Asterin Blackbeak. Brave, fierce and wild are some of the words that were used to describe her by Manon, but that was before Manon knew what her grandmother did to Asterin, and she has certainly proved to be those and much more.

She went through a lot; yet instead of being hell-bent on revenge on Manon’s grandmother and perhaps even Manon, she instead did the only other thing she could; become stronger and better(in the Blackbeak style), and tolerate the Blackbeak Matron, even as she tried to demean Asterin at every turn.

Well, that was sappy.

I don’t know if it’s sad or good that after the Matron threw her out, she came back with no thoughts of revenge on her mind, and Asterin wasn’t really one of my favourites, but this is a list of the best characters as in good, so yeah.

2. Nehemia Ytger

By thelordofthenorth

No question that she’s a good person. She wasn’t my particular favourite during ToG and CoM, but I’m me, and I rarely like good characters for some reason.

But yeah. As read on EoS, she went to Rifthold knowing that she would never see her homeland or her people again, and she willingly sacrificed herself just to push Aelin to take on her role.

Even though she kept many secrets from Aelin, it was for the right reasons and we all know that Aelin wouldn’t have believed it if she told her anyway. Aelin had to go through a lot more after Nehemia died before she finally realized her role, so Nehemia trying to speed up the process by telling her there and the wouldn’t have helped, and probably would have lengthened the process much more.

1. Sam Cortland

By Viria

Even though he was never technically alive in the actual books, he’s still unarguably the best character in the entire series. That is, for the people who have read The Assassin’s Blade, which includes the 5 novellas of the Throne of Glass series (all based during the time before the first novel). Half the book is about him.

What makes me, a person who usually only likes one or two characters in a book series, put him as first on this list, you may ask?

Well, the answer is simple: He’s just that amazing. He may have not gone through as many hardships as Aelin (although it was close, during the time that he was still alive), he never let it consume him and change him like Aelin did. Aaand oh god I’m starting to sound really sappy so I’m just gonna stop right now.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that for so many years managed to act like he hated Aelin when in fact he was in love with her, even though she treated him horribly, and he’s still the kindest assassin ever, and also the smollest bean ever. Also Samaelin is otp ❤

Okay that sucked

I know you’re probably mad at me for not including Aelin herself into this list. But let’s face it, she doesn’t have the best of personalities. Even though she definitely changed that in Empire of Storms, I still do not think it’s enough to make it into this list.

Anyway, I hope the next Top 5 list will be better. I suck at making these, but hey, at least it’s long! It reached 1,000 words. Yay me!

Until next time,
